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Is Polarized Better than Non Polarized for Cycling?

When it comes to cycling sunglasses, there are two main types of lenses: polarized and non-polarized. While both have their benefits, there is much debate among cyclists as to which type is better.

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First, let's define what each type of lens is. Polarized lenses have a special filter that blocks horizontal light waves, which are often reflected off surfaces such as water, pavement, and cars. This helps reduce glare and improves visual clarity. Non-polarized lenses, on the other hand, do not have this filter and can allow glare to reflect off surfaces, potentially causing eye strain and fatigue.

So, which type of lens is better for cycling? The answer ultimately depends on the individual rider and their specific needs.

Polarized lenses are particularly beneficial for cyclists who frequently ride near bodies of water, such as rivers or lakes, or in areas with lots of shiny surfaces like cars and buildings. These lenses can help reduce the glare from these surfaces, making it easier to see potential hazards and obstacles on the road ahead. Additionally, polarized lenses can improve overall visual clarity, which can be particularly helpful in low-light conditions.

best sunglasses for cycling

However, polarized lenses can have some drawbacks for cycling. For example, they can make it more difficult to read LCD screens or digital displays on bike computers or other devices. Additionally, some cyclists have reported that polarized lenses can make it harder to see certain road surfaces, such as wet pavement or gravel, which can be a safety concern.

Non-polarized lenses, on the other hand, are generally better for cycling in situations where glare is not a major concern. For example, if you primarily ride in wooded areas or on bike paths away from cars, non-polarized lenses may be a better choice. Non-polarized lenses can also be more versatile, as they do not interfere with the visibility of digital displays or certain road surfaces.

Ultimately, the choice between polarized and non-polarized lenses comes down to personal preference and the specific conditions in which you will be cycling. Both types of lenses have their benefits and drawbacks, and it's important to weigh these factors when choosing a pair of cycling sunglasses.

When buying cycling sunglasses, be sure to consider other factors beyond just the type of lens, such as the fit, comfort, and UV protection offered by the sunglasses. Ultimately, the most important thing is to choose a pair of sunglasses that provide the right balance of comfort, protection, and visibility for your cycling needs.

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